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Dear readers, We hope you are all well. This week our highlights were: Our spelling work on the new words from the Nowhere Emporium. Continuing reading the Nowhere Emporium everyday, which is, by the way, getting more and more interesting ... Continue reading →


Dear Parents and Carers, Primary 6 have had another busy week. In literacy we have been continuing our class novel and have had great fun predicting what will happen next and discussing the author's use of language. We have continued ... Continue reading →


Dear Parents and Carers, Primary 6A have had an exciting week taking part in the Sumdog competition. There were over 4000 schools competing and we manged to secure 23rd place on the leader board! We are all very proud of ... Continue reading →


Dear Parents and Carers, Please click on the link to have a look at Primary 6A and B Learning overview for Term 1. Overview Term 1 P6SDQ Thank you. Mrs Lea and Mrs Valente


Dear Readers, Once again, welcome to our Blog! As usual, this week was full of interesting things and these were just its highlights: The new spelling words, which have been chosen from our addictive novel 'Nowhere Emporium' have been practised ... Continue reading →

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