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P5a Week Beginning 16/9/24

Pupil Highlights:

Ruari – I enjoyed going to play football for our choose time because it was fun playing with my pals.

Joe – My highlight which was last week was being able to have a shot on Miss Smith’s scooter because it was particularly fast. The skill I had to use was balance confidence.

Julia: I enjoyed creating angles by drawing straight lines within circles to then use different colours to show which angles were obtuse, straight or acute.

Zosia: I enjoyed making Alexander III fact files and learning about John Balliol.

Lucas O : I enjoyed Miss Smith’s scooter because I was first scared but once I tried it I enjoyed it.

Ella: I enjoyed doing the word boost acting with my friends because it was exciting and I felt nervous at the time but I still performed it.

Paige: I really liked doing the fitness routine with Miss Smith outside in the sun. I did squat jumps and balanced on the wheel.

Congratulations to previous Hot Chocolate Winners: Julia , for her consistent, outstanding attitude and work in class, Kyle for his tremendously hard work ethic and fantastic respect to his peers, and David S who can work effortlessly well with anyone in the class, and his commitment to working hard for every piece of work.

This week’s hot chocolate winner:  Rebekah. Congratulations to Rebekah who is always a thoughtful, gentle and respectful pupil.  Her excellent independent work this week includes self assessing her writing and helping Miss Smith out with the dinner tickets in the hall. You saved the day Rebekah!


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