P6A Learning Highlights 21st February
Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been a short but busy week! We have started our new topic and we are all very interested to find out more facts about sustainability, conservation and biodiversity. In writing we started to learn about the layout of information reports and identified the verbs and adverbs in the text. During numeracy, we continued to learn about to division. We completed some examples which involved decimals and we really enjoyed this! Our class attended mass this week and Father Clement reminded us that we should try and stay close to God all the time , not just when things are going wrong . We also studied the beatitudes and created our own character to go with each blessing. Here are some of our learning highlights:
Sam- ” I enjoyed learning about decimals in maths.”
Ailsa ” Learning about the layout in information reports was interesting.”
Emily- ” I enjoyed learning about social media and online safety.”
Ishaan- ” I liked learning about biodiversity and creating our own mind maps.”
Pixie- ” Learning about the beatitudes and creating our own characters was good fun!.”
Congratulations to Ailsa, who was nominated as our hot chocolate winner this week!
Congratulations to Pixie, who is our reading champion for the next two weeks!
Have a super weekend!
Mrs Lea and Primary 6A