Primary 2/1 Learning Highlights 28th February 2025
This week we have been learning all about odd and even numbers using the Numicon pieces in Maths. We have had to sort them out into groups and then we were adding two odd numbers together and found out that they make an even number. We have also been using a counting on and counting back strategy to help us complete addition and subtraction sums.
In Literacy, we have been learning the ‘ch’ and ‘sh’ sounds. Ask us all about our train and how we remember these sounds. We have been using these sounds to spell words and completed a cut and stick task for this. We have started looking at Information Reports for writing and we wrote 3 sentences all about bees. The staff were very impressed with all the facts we managed to remember. We enjoyed some reading time with our P6 Reading Buddies this week and we are looking forward to seeing them again next week for some World Book Day activities.
In RE, we have continued to learn about the Creation Story. Also, Miss Stebbing was very impressed when we managed to say the Glory Be prayer all by ourselves.
In Topic, we have been learning all about bees. We created a word bank for our information reports and we used ‘are’, ‘can’ and ‘have’. We learned about the lifecycle of a bee and we were all able to confidently sequence the lifecycle. We also have models in the tuff tray to use to sequence the lifecycle. We drew a picture of a bee following instructions from Miss Stebbing and we have created a hive for them to live in. We also have models in the tuff tray to use to sequence the lifecycle.
For Outdoor Learning this week we used the iPads to take photos of living and non living things in the playground. Then we completed a literacy scavenger hunt with our groups. In the woodland, we learned to use the flints to make a spark which was very exciting!
Some of our personal highlights this week are:
Muhammad – I enjoyed playing with the bees.
Harmony – I enjoyed playing in the area.
Joseph – I enjoyed playing the Hexabonds game in maths.
Zenith – I enjoyed writing about the bees.
Vihaan – I enjoyed making my bee.
Freddie – I enjoyed making the bee hive.
Well done to Martha who is our Hot Chocolate Winner for this week. She has been showing confidence in writing sentences and recalling facts about bees.