P5B Learning Highlights

Good afternoon friends and families!

P5B has had a fantastic book week. This has been very fun and we have got a lot done! We completed lots of activities based on the Lorax!

Pupil Highlights:

Ksuwery: “I loved dragonistics”

Nathan: “I liked making my own data cards”

We used the game dragonistics this week to learn about statistical data! We sorted these into data groups and bar graphs. Then we used the data to battle! It was very fun!

Daniel: “I liked making videos with different animations”

Olek: “I loved everything especially making videos and posters”

We used adobe express this week and loved it! We made posters, videos, infographics and even used the power of AI to create weird and wonderful images!

Matthias: “I liked helping Mr Pentland in the classroom”

Rowan: “I liked showing Mr Pentland where things are in our room”

We all helped Mr Pentland this week and it was very appreciated! Thank you for a lively and lovely week.

Scott: “I liked Kahoot and getting on the leaderboard!”

Ava: “I liked kahoots”

During the share the learning event Mr Pentland hosted multiple kahoots! We were  in teams! Everyone got very excited and some people got very ahead of themselves – naming their team “the winners” before the game even began! It’s fair to say everyone wanted to prove them wrong however they did extremely well! Well done . You earned your title! As did many others. We had a lot of fun, although my head still hurts!

Over and Above:

A huge well done to Anthony! You had a brilliant week, you were very kind, helpful, respectful and demonstrated our school values consistently!




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