WB 24/2/25 - P2 Weekly Highlights
Hello families of P2
We have had a very busy week in Primary 2, with lots of super learning and fun! We are loving our new topic, learning all about mini beasts. On Thursday we had a mini beast search in the woodlands. We were excited to find centipedes and snails.
In maths we learned to tell half past times and began work on repeated addition. We learned how to add 2 repeatedly and made the link to multiplication. We learned two new sounds in literacy, ‘er’ and ‘ear’ and manged to spell lots of words using these sounds.
We are learning to write Information Reports in writing. We have leaned how to structure these correctly and know how to do research to find out information to write about. This week we wrote about Puppies.
In RE we learned about Jesus’ life as a child. We learned that his family are called ‘The Holy Family’ and made beautiful pictures of Mary, Joseph and Jesus.
Weekly Highlights
Leighton – I liked topic, learning about mini beasts.
Sophia – I liked learning to tell half past times.
Maja – I loved learning about Puppies.
Rudhvick – I liked learning repeated addition.
Ellie and Rose – We liked writing about Puppies.
Oscar – I loved finding mini beasts in the woodlands. I found snails and centipedes.
Edward – I like Minecraft during ICT with Mr Pentland.
Huge Congratulations to Rose, our hot chocolate winner and Laaibah, our reading champion. Well done girls, keep up the amazing work!
Have a lovely weekend!